In regards to the campaign in support of the NHS was never intended as large scale event. As stated by experts of Trading Standards Institute (Code of Practice – Sky Lanterns, 2014) “When used as intended in appropriate conditions and in small numbers, sky lanterns do not constitute a high risk. With a little care and consideration they can be enjoyed safely."

PS. We have never said to use LED tea-lights with sky lanterns, for obvious reasons. LED tea lights do NOT produce any heat which is the basic physic principle to enable the lantern to fly.

Asbestos is used to make the string fireproof, and the major issue with asbestos string is not only that it is highly contaminant, but we also noticed that the major issue with the asbestos string is that when the lantern is half way up it breaks and frees the wick/fuel cell, letting it to drop to the ground while still lit.

Our thoughts and prayers are with all families who have lost loved ones because of the Coronavirus COVID-19.
We feel obliged to thank all NHS staff and key workers who are putting their lives at risk to continue providing all essential products and services. In particular, we would like to show our greatest gratitude to all NHS professionals, who are on the frontline, caring for anyone who needs assistance and in particular, for the most vulnerable people
We feel obliged to thank all NHS staff and key workers who are putting their lives at risk to continue providing all essential products and services. In particular, we would like to show our greatest gratitude to all NHS professionals, who are on the frontline, caring for anyone who needs assistance and in particular, for the most vulnerable people

With deepest sadness and condemnation, nobody could ever expect that a respected Charity organisation, such as RSPCA, could adopt such a low marketing strategy to attract donations. It is unjustifiable that a Charity organisation desperate to generate income, rises additional funds by despising not only all reputable suppliers, such Night Sky Lanterns®, but RSPCA is also disregarding the operational study by the Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs (DEFRA), which was also fully financed with public money.

We could not agree more with DEFRA that the impact of sky lanterns is minor and “any actions we take must be proportionate to the level of risk”.
Moreover, we are pleased to reassure all our customers that the Government leniency will not ban future generations to enjoy the magical emotion when releasing a sky lantern.
We fully support, as DEFRA states, that “an outright ban would be disproportionate”.
Moreover, we are pleased to reassure all our customers that the Government leniency will not ban future generations to enjoy the magical emotion when releasing a sky lantern.
We fully support, as DEFRA states, that “an outright ban would be disproportionate”.

We are totally shocked to hear about the terrible accidents at the zoo in Germany, which should have never happened. Our deepest sympathy to the sorrowing people of the zoo for their loss.

We are totally in favour of Regulations to sets sky lanterns’ minimum quality standards and we hope that the Code of Practice – Sky lanterns published in 2014, will be fully implemented in UK.

Dear Prime Minister,
Re: Sky Lanterns (Prohibition) Bill 2017-19
I am the owner of a UK registered trademark of sky lanterns Night Sky Lanterns®.
Further to the comments made by Ruth George, MP, when she called for a bill to make the use of sky lanterns an offence, a bill that was passed on 5th April 2019, I write to correct some of the mistaken attitudes shown towards sky lanterns in the bill.
Re: Sky Lanterns (Prohibition) Bill 2017-19
I am the owner of a UK registered trademark of sky lanterns Night Sky Lanterns®.
Further to the comments made by Ruth George, MP, when she called for a bill to make the use of sky lanterns an offence, a bill that was passed on 5th April 2019, I write to correct some of the mistaken attitudes shown towards sky lanterns in the bill.

To millions of people, sky lanterns create magical spectacles which release a sense of peaceful energy and a remarkable connection with the spiritual world. As seen in many movies and Disney cartoons, sky lanterns are as beautiful as they look and it is totally inadequate to victimise responsible sky lanterns users using few doubtful incidents. Sky lanterns do not kill or harm animals and people. This was fully supported by Trading Standard Institute which ...