For definition, littering is the act of intentionally dropping and leaving deposits lying on the public ground, like those seen every day in towns and countryside alike. (Annex: page 27) The principle of Sky lanterns is to be released free in the sky and thinking of a dream while watch them flying away until the light goes off.
Innovative sky lanterns are 100% biodegradable and have zero emissions, ...
Innovative sky lanterns are 100% biodegradable and have zero emissions, ...

Dear Friends, Colleagues and Sky Lanterns Enthusiasts,
I’m not used to ask for help but I am now begging for your support.
I need your support in helping to protect the right of future generations to experience the beautiful sensation of making a wish while releasing sky lanterns.
On the 4th of April 2019, the UK Parliament passed a bill to ban sky lanterns, which will affect how and where you can release a sky lantern.
I’m not used to ask for help but I am now begging for your support.
I need your support in helping to protect the right of future generations to experience the beautiful sensation of making a wish while releasing sky lanterns.
On the 4th of April 2019, the UK Parliament passed a bill to ban sky lanterns, which will affect how and where you can release a sky lantern.

It is important to highlight that the Sky Lanterns Code of Practice by DEFRA confirms that “High quality branded sky lanterns have very low environmental impact and if used as intended in appropriate conditions, sky lanterns DO NOT constitute a high risk. With little care and consideration they can be enjoyed safely.”

Sky lanterns are not illegal or banned in United Kingdom, Europe, and United States of America or in any other known countries. Anyone over 18 years of age and capable of handling a lighter can responsibly release sky lanterns. The confusion is caused by incomplete information spread by few propagandists who are lobbying a distorted opinion based on incorrect facts and misinterpreted news.

We have a dream! Our dream is to see future generations to enjoy the beautiful sensation of releasing sky lanterns while dreaming about their wish. To make this dream becoming true we need your support to stop Councils from banning all sky lanterns. Flying Sky Lanterns are beautiful glows of lights floating in the sky that gives people a sensation of peace, harmony and a unique connection to the spiritual world. My passion for Sky Lanterns started only in 2006 when a friend gave me one for my birthday, says Fabio Paduanelli, (Director at Night Sky Lanterns ®).

Sky lanterns are based on the physic principle that the fuel cell produces hot air which expands and becomes lighter than cold air. In fact, during the summer months in hoter countries (35+ C), the lanterns require longer time to bring the internal temperature of the lantern above the environment temperature.

Happy Valentine's Day I LOVE YOU FOREVER

Make Your Wish with our Sky Lanterns Special

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